Monday, February 25, 2013


Well, I had my first ultrasound and nothing too impressive was happening. They decided to put me on another dose of Clomid (150 mg) to see if they could get my ovaries to grow something good. I went and picked up my rx and started right away like a good girl. For all of you that don't know, these medications do a number on  your emotions and sanity. I always have side effects and remind myself that it is totally worth feeling crazy, having hot flashes, vision changes, and a list I would rather not share. I received my other medications from an online pharmacy which was awesome. They just came to my door, no waiting at the pharmacy. I am not looking forward to sticking myself with a needle, but once again it will be worth it.
 I go back in a week and see what grew,. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I have some mature eggs in there. I have to get past how much all of this costs. I knew what we were getting into but it's different when you actually have to fork it over. Every ultrasound I have done is $192, plus my online medications which were $162. Thankfully our insurance covers one of the rx. I just have to remember that $$$ is just that, it is there to help us out, not control us.
Fingers crossed until next week!

Grow Baby Grow

Well, I had my first ultrasound and nothing too impressive was happening. They decided to put me on another dose of Clomid (150 mg) to see if they could get my ovaries to grow something good. I went and picked up my rx and started right away like a good girl. For all of you that don't know, these medications do a number on  your emotions and sanity. I always have side effects and remind myself that it is totally worth feeling crazy, having hot flashes, vision changes, and a list I would rather not share. I received my other medications from an online pharmacy which was awesome. They just came to my door, no waiting at the pharmacy. I am not looking forward to sticking myself with a needle, but once again it will be worth it.
 I go back in a week and see what grew,. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I have some mature eggs in there. I have to get past how much all of this costs. I knew what we were getting into but it's different when you actually have to fork it over. Every ultrasound I have done is $192, plus my online medications which were $162. Thankfully our insurance covers one of the rx. I just have to remember that $$$ is just that, it is there to help us out, not control us.
Fingers crossed until next week!

The Begining

Boy meets girl...Boy dates girl.....Boy and girl fall in love... Boy and girl get married....Boy and girl have a baby.... That's where this boy and girls journey begins!
(For those of you that are already bored, I suggest you exit this blog now)
 I have known my Ob/Gyn Dr. Sam for many years, and knew we would be in wonderful hands when we were ready to expand our little family. She is AMAZING and so smart, and the BEST ever! After 5 months and zero signs of pregnancy we started with all of the diagnostic testing. I have never been normal and always felt like getting pregnant would take a little extra help, lucky for me Dr. Sam knows more than she ever wanted to know about me. We were able to get a head start on a lot of the testing most Dr. wait a year to test for. All of my test came back normal. Good sign right?...
Next came the medications, and the routine of counting days and peeing on sticks.  Month after month I continued this routine keeping my fingers crossed each time. No success, sperm and egg had not met yet. Then I got a call from my beloved Dr. Sam saying that she would give me 2 more tries on Clomid before it was time to do IUI (intrauterine insemination). Wow... that is not what I expected. I know a lot of couples deal with infertility issues and have to go to great lengths to reach their goal, but us? I wasn't prepared for this. Luckily for me, I have the most supportive, loving, easy going husband in the who world. It takes a lot to get Adam bent out of shape.
Today I got the best news... better news than I was expecting. I had a consult with a new Dr at a fertility clinic to go over my history and create a plan. She told me that our fertility score really wasn't that bad and gave me a few options. I get to start new medications, lots of ultrasounds and many more Dr. visits before I have to worry about IUI. Let me just tell you how ecstatic I am about this. I have been dreading IUI! I go back in a week for more fun and hope everything goes well.
Now that I'm sure I am the only one still reading this...
I'm Courtney and I have fertility issues... I just thought you should know.