Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Another one bites the dust.

 I always have such a hard time sleeping the night before appointments. I went in for a follicle scan yesterday, hoping for good results. Things looked not too bad, but my follicles weren't as big as they needed to be. They would like them to be over 18 to make sure that they are mature and can be fertilized. She also gave me an Rx for some estrogen pills to try and make the lining in my uterus thicker. One of the side effects of Clomid is it can thin the lining of the uterus over time. I need a nice thick place for my little pea to grow. So all in all my apt was OK.
 I go back again tomorrow for another scan to make sure that my follicles are big enough and can hopefully do my trigger shot. My side effects from the clomid don't seem as bad this time around. I have the added bonus of the estrogen side effects and most likely the trigger shot side effects. It will all be worth it when our little miracle happens.
If it's not a successful cycle this time around, I think we are going to op for IUI (intrauterine insemination) the next go round. I seem to be handling things a lot better this month. hopefully I will continue to be in control of my emotions. On a good note, we just switched insurances and they should cover my ultrasounds. That is the best news we've had since starting this journey. I just have to keep reminding myself that 2013 is our year!